Saturday, March 28, 2009

Coach's Corner...

...2009 Coopersville Invitational CHAMPS! GREAT job of true teamwork and hard work today, girls! Especially impressive is that we didn't even allow a goal today...2-0, 2-0...a great TEAM effort. Check out the "JV results link" to get a recap of both games. Way to go, Hawks, and keep up the good work! Next is Middleville on Tuesday....let's not let up!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Kassi's "Team Cohesion" Quotation...

"As a team, we accomplish the impossible because no one cares who gets the credit."
-Author Unknown

Everyone should leave at least one comment by midnight on Sunday regarding the quotation itself and how it can be interpreted/applied to our team and/or regarding a comment by another teammate on this post.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Check out... updated photo by clicking on the "JV girls photos" link on the sidebar of this blog. Thanks, Raelyn, for the pic!

Tournament Uniforms...

Girls, please remember to bring BOTH uniforms this sat., march 28. We will wear GOLD for the first game, and the second game depends on the outcome of the first game.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Congrats... our recent rotating team captain for the tournament this Saturday, Jessica Kimber. She's deserving for being FEARLESS as of late and for being ACCOUNTABLE and RESPONSIBLE for her grades. Keep up the good work, Jessica!


C...Coming together with
H...Hard work will let you
A...Achieve the
I...Impossible if you
N...Never give up

Team cohesion is key! Let's get to the "performing" step of the team cycle ASAP, girls!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Coach's Corner...

...after today's result. Girls, stay confident and together! A 2-1 loss isn't something to be ashamed of...even if we deserved a better fate. The first match of the season can always lead to some rocky circumstances, and i'm proud for the most part of your positive spirit and hard work throughout.

A few highlights for me: Raelyn's ability to create chances on O (maybe be a little more selfish around the net, Rae!)...Jessica's hard-nosed, no-nonsense play...Brandi's "garbage goal" after Kaitlyn's effort to keep the initial play alive...and both Lizs' support and encouragement of the team, especially from the sideline.

We've still got MUCH work to do though, girls. Be ready to get back to work tomorrow for practice!

Shelby's "Team Cohesion" Quotation

Coming together is a beginning
Keeping together is progress
Working together is success.
-Henry Ford

Everyone should leave at least one comment by midnight on Wedneseday regarding the quotation itself and how it can be interpreted/applied to our team and/or regarding a comment by another teammate on this post.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Hamilton Summer Soccer Camp CONFIRMATION

We have finalized the date...the week of July 20-24, 2009 for our annual Hamilton Summer Soccer Camp for boys and girls grades 1-12 (as of next school year). Please feel free to stop by and pick up a camp registration form from either the high school (Mr. Robinson or main office) or the middle school (Mr. Malefyt or main office). The due date for camp registration is June 20, 2009. We hope to see you all there for a great week of soccer!

Bus departure on Sat., March 28... 1:15 PM at the high school. Be there NO LATER than 1 PM, and remember that we have no bus for the ride home. Please make arrangements accordingly!

JV game schedule change...

...for our game on April 27 vs. Bryon Center. That game has been canceled and instead replaced with a game at 4 PM vs. Mona Shores to be played at Grand Rapids Union. Further details to come...