Monday, May 18, 2009

Rae's Quotation...

"As a futboler you always want to test yourself against the best so try hard and never give up, run alot in games, you won`t die. Maybe sore but you wont die."
-David Beckham

Girls, please respond to these "wise" words no later than Wednesday at 730 AM.


  1. Great quote Rae (totally surprised you choose Beckham :D). We need to walk on the field every day and look at it as a new challenge, look at it as a way to better ourselves as soccer players (and people), and look forward to this fact! No pain, no gain!

  2. Imagine that Rae quoting David Beckham...haha anyway, if we always play teams that are worse than us we wont get better. We need to test our skills out on tougher teams.

  3. We always try hard, but could we try harder and never give up? This goes back to the mental thing again, but pain only lasts for a little while, and the satisfaction is worth it.

  4. Hayley's comment...

    David Beckham...figures you'd pick a quote from him, Rae. ;)
    I agree, it's up to you to decide if sacrificing your body is worth it. Like Beckham says, know you may feel sore for awhile but you will not die. Always prepare yourself for pain in soccer because most likely you'll feel it. By not giving up and staying strong through it all, it will surely tell a lot about yourself.

  5. all we got to do is push through the pain! it's only temperary. just try your hardest and no one will doubt your effort or your motives!!

  6. haha love it Rae...who would have guessed. Thats so true, you should never give up and always push yourself. Be ready for a new challange and love it.

  7. There is one word for Raelyn choosing Beckham. . . . shocking. . . (haha, sarcastic!) Well anyway, it is a good quote and it applies to our team. Our record may not have been the greatest this season, (it was the best yet though) but we certainly worked hard enough to get to re-play HC and East again. I'm not really sure how the whole conference match-ups go but I THINK it goes by best record vs. worst and middle vs. middle. Or something like that hopefully, if not, my entire next point is invalid. What I'm trying to say is that if we did so good this season that we get to play teams that dominated this year, we must have done pretty well and I'm proud of us. Back to the quote, Beckham says "you always want to test yourself against the best" and I think we've done that so far. Now, we need to show that "best" team tomorrow that we are a threat and we do deserve not only to play them, but also to BEAT them. Let's go ladies! Get pumped, last game!

  8. Just to clarify for Chelsea and the rest of you, the present conference tournament standings and matchups are solely determined by the varsity programs of each school and their outcomes...still though, good words, Chelsea.

  9. Thats going hard and not giving up. Theres a sub waiting to come in work their but off and then switch out again.

  10. Beckham....haha. He does make a very good point in that we need to try our hardest especially since its our LAST GAME!!!!

  11. Rae, I would expect nothing less from you than Beckham! Anywho.. Great quote, we do always need to give our best effort and go hard all the time. Like coach says rest on defence! Get your butt up and down the field and don't just walk around. Always on your toes!

    Get ready for tomarrow girls!
    Lets expect a win!

  12. Kalina's comment...

    I agree that your skills get tested most when we play against the better teams. It's true, we won't die in the game. We may get tired, but we won't die.

  13. Jessica's comment...

    Nice quote, Rae! That is so true though. As soccer players we must always challenge ourselves and face the challenges.

  14. Morgan's comment...

    Play hard in practice and you will play hard in a game.
