Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Food for Thought...

On the brink of Spring Break, I leave you girls with some "words of the wise" (a.k.a. thoughts from my dad that he sent me recently from afar). We can all certainly apply this to so many aspects of our lives, not just on the soccer field. Here goes:

The six most important words: I admit that I was wrong.
The five most important words: You did a great job.
The four most important words: What do you think?
The three most important words: Could you please.......
The two most important words: Thank you.
The most important word: We
The least important word: I


Control yourself in everything you do: emotions, communication, nutrition, preparation, fitness, academics, etc. Find a "relaxed readiness" at all times, no matter the situation. YOU are the only one who has control of you; what an EMPOWERING idea!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Coach's Corner...

Girls, we should be PROUD of our second half effort today and a bit disappointed in the way we started the game, especially considering our success this past weekend...we seemed very flat. Nonetheless, it's positive that we ended on a good note. For me, Shelby Reaume was a standout today in that she easily had the most touches in the game (perhaps due to her ACTIVITY throughout the game?), won a TON of loose balls, and scored a nice goal! She can certainly be a "model" of self-control and positive play for all of us as we move forward.

Kaitlyn's "Self-Control" Quotation...

To enjoy freedom we have to control ourselves.
-Virginia Woolf

Everyone should leave at least one comment by midnight on Wednesday regarding the quotation itself and how it can be interpreted/applied to our team and/or regarding a comment by another teammate on this post.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


We're goin' to the Final Four, baby! :)

Practice on Monday...

...girls, please meet in my room by 3 PM tomorrow (Monday) for the beginning of practice. Also, please be prepared for indoor (flat shoes, etc.) AND outdoor practice, weather permitting.