Thursday, May 22, 2014

End-of-Season Banquet

Please note the following:

What: JV/Varsity Soccer Dessert Banquet
When: Tuesday, June 3 at 6:30 PM.
Where: HS Cafeteria
Who: JV/Varsity players and respective families
What to bring: dessert to pass, personal beverages, place settings.

Hope to see you all there in order to celebrate a successful season!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

9-0 Win vs. Comstock Park


First, as mentioned after the game today, what a distance we've come as a team since April 2 at Middleville when we fell 6-0 in our first game of the season, huh?!! Man…seems like soooo long ago. You guys have improved by leaps and bounds throughout the course of the season, and WE CERTAINLY FINISHED STRONG!! Way to go. A coach couldn't be more proud.

More to come tomorrow at our team meeting right after school as well as at our program-wide banquet tentatively set for Tuesday, June 3 at 630 PM.

Keep the great work as overall good human beings, girls! :)

It was a pleasure…dot dot dot.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

0-0 Tie @ Holland


Ready for our last JV practice of the season today?? :) And don't forget about our last team dinner at Kirby's afterward (@6)!

Regarding last night's tie @Holland , I don't think it was the worst result for us. As mentioned, Holland had a handful of dangerous chances that we managed to weather, so they deserve some credit as well. Plus, we've still got our team goal of finishing with an overall winning record going for us heading into our final game tomorrow!

Let's end this thing right, huh??!!

See you all soon!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Last Week of the Season!

Greetings, ladies! Hope all is well and that you're all enjoying the beautiful day??

Here goes with the schedule for our last week coming up here (grab the kleenex…haha):

**Monday: rematch game @ Holland (5 PM)…"dress up" in school…bus leaves at 415 PM…WIN...Katlyn = video…ride bus home with team.

**Tuesday: last practice of the season…3-5 PM…captains = lead…last team dinner at Kirby's (6 PM).

**Wednesday: last game of the season…home vs. Comstock Park (4 PM)…WIN…Grace/Kora = ball girls…Yaz = video…more details to come.

**Thursday: brief team meeting after school in my classroom…finished no later than 330 PM…please bring all clean uniform items if you can! And please let me know if you cannot make the meeting!

Note: Congrats again to Lauren for her team voting her as the last "alternate" captain of the season this past Friday!

Girls, let's end this season with a bang. We've got three team goals still in play here--one of which is ending the season with a winning record. At 6-6-2 currently, we've got to win out this week!

See you all soon!