Saturday, April 25, 2009

Chelsea's COMMUNICATION Quotation...

"Take advantage of every opportunity to practice your communication skills so that when important occasions arise, you will have the gift, the style, the sharpness, the clarity, and the emotions to affect other people."
-Jim Rohn

...and Chelsea's personal comment on these words:

This quote applies to our team in so many ways. When we communicate effectively in practice, we don't have to put on a show of tring to talk during games, it's just what comes naturally. When we communicate outside of practice, we learn what works, what makes other teammates respond and how efficiently we can come together. Communication is as simple as smiling at your team members in the hallways, or waving if you see them out and about. That's just something that's common courtesy and we should all practice it.

Everyone should reply to this post no later than Monday morning at 730 AM.


  1. Coach's comment...

    Very mature sentiments here, Chelsea. Nice job. I like the thought about communication coming "naturally" and not having to "put on a show" during games. We can apply this lesson to so many other aspects of our lives, too!

  2. This is a great quote! We need to communicate in practice so we know what to do in a game situation. I agree with Coach as well about applying this to other aspects of our lives.

  3. Rae's comment...

    wow chelsea!!! That is an amazing quote, great job! I think you totally took the words outta my mouth with your comment on it! Have a great weekend girls+coach!!!(gettin 2 run around haha) im guna be doin RICE and readin TKMB the whole weekend!

  4. Jess says

    Very good quote Chelsea! And I totally agree with you on your comment about your quote also. Communication is very important and thats something everyone can work on.

  5. This is a great quote we need to talk alot to get the feel of it. And once we can communicate we will be a strong verbal team.

  6. Chels I love the quote. It fits good with our team. I totally agree that commmunicating should be "natural" and not just a "show" that we put on. If we get used to talking and working out problem we will be able to perform much better.

  7. I agree with everyones comments I don't really know what else to say...I guess we just need to get used to communicating with everyone so that we can preform our best.

  8. It's totally right. The more we communicate in practice and out of soccer the easier it will be for us to do it on the feild when it's needed.

  9. Brittany's comment...

    I think that this is a good quote that applies to all of us both on and off the field! good quote Chelsea.

  10. Love your quote Chelsea and think your comment says it all! We need to communicate all the time, we can't go out on that field, in practices or games, and be mute. We're a team and we work together and to do that we need to talk. If we talk, we can move the ball more efficently and get things done. We need to remember those words we wrote down after our team meeting ("man on", "push up", etc.). If we don't talk we won't know what eachother is thinking and we'll be more like 15 seperate entities on the field rather than 15 girls out there, as a team, working together towards the same goal. We got it ladies!

  11. Kalina's comment...

    great quote chels...i totally agree that we need to communicate with each other both on and off the will come naturally if we practice it alot during practice and so we won't have to put on a show for others and so we can play better as a team.

  12. Hayley's comment...

    Good quote Chelsea. Communicating on and off the field is very important. The more we do it, the better we get at it and eventually, it will become a habit.

  13. emily,s comment...
    this is a really great quote chelsea! i agree with it one hundred percent, and i think that is is something we need to practice, so then when an important time a game, then we can perform well.

  14. Kassi's comment...

    If we take advantage of every opportunity then we are most likely to be successful. We can't give up golden opportunities because if we don't, we most likely will be unsuccessful! So let's talk ladies!

  15. Morgan's comment...

    Courtesy to your teammates should come naturally and if it doesn't, then we need help.

  16. Kaitlyn's comment...

    This quote is pretty much saying practice makes perfect. Great quote, Chelsea!
