Thursday, April 28, 2011

2-0 Zeeland East Win

Girls, check out the "results" link on the left for a game recap for tonight's game.

Overall, another job well done tonight, girls. As a coach, it's great to see that an entire team plays hard, smart, and for each other each and every time out. We NEED to keep that up as we progress through the heart of the season. Remember one of our first conversations as a team? It was about the four phases in which every team in any team sport goes through during the course of a given season: forming, storming, norming, and performing. It seems to me that we're officially in the norming/performing stages, which a is a great sign. In other words, girls are understanding their roles, their positions, and their expectations as players on the team...and performing to the best of their abilities. Keep that up, girls!

Remember, DETAILS are so important. Keep in mind how YOU can pay more attention to the details of everyday all leads to success!

Hopkins is next...let's go get 'em. See you all tomorrow at 3 PM on the game field dressed and ready to go!

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