Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Shelby's "Team Cohesion" Quotation

Coming together is a beginning
Keeping together is progress
Working together is success.
-Henry Ford

Everyone should leave at least one comment by midnight on Wedneseday regarding the quotation itself and how it can be interpreted/applied to our team and/or regarding a comment by another teammate on this post.


  1. Brandi's comment....

    "Well obviously we need to work together as a team to be successful.Deeper than that we need to think about how we can make that happen. We dont want to stop at progression. Lets go all the way.

  2. I like that Brandi! Lets go all the way by working our hardest as a team and be successful!

  3. Wow, I just read the requirements for our post, sorry about that other one, you can delete it. Okay, now for my REAL post.... I see the quote as a story of our team. Meaning that we are all shoved together and we have to work with what we've got, (that's the first line). The second line to me means all of us indivually meeting goals and not quitting on the team. The third line means that we truly succeed when we work together, like a single cohesive entity. So, I think this quote documents our life cycle as a team, from a newborn baby team to an old married couple (16 times over) team. Hope this makes some sense to others' brains as it does to mine. Stay positive ladies. . . .

  4. Chelsea, GREAT thoughts...our season (and ANY season) really is just a cycle. In our case, the QUICKER we get through the first two phases, the better, wouldn't you say, girls?

  5. Raelyn's comment...

    "shelby this is soo true, great words 2 play and practice by...totally something the good bird would say... thank u, i cant wait 2 play them on Saturday again. I take ur pointers seriously on how 2 perform better on my game, so thank you for ur input :)"

  6. So pretty much if we are together working and trying out best we WILL be successful.

  7. I definitly agree with what Chelsea said! We came together after try-outs and that's when it started, this "cycle". Throughout the season we have to make sure that whatever happens we stay together or we'll fall apart. When we work together we'll acheive a lot and get things done. If we don't work together, all 16 of us, we won't be able to reach our full potential and will never show everyone, including ourselves, what our team can really do!

  8. I think Chelsea's comment is so true!
    We all need to work with the people on our team and good things will happen. If we work hard and stick together great things will happen.

  9. i think that this is a great quote to remember when things get hard on a team. we are already coming together, and we need to continue to stay together and have success. i like this one shelby! keep it up guys:)

  10. Shelby thats a great qoute! Its something that we need in soccer and a team, but is also very true for life.

  11. Good quote choice Shelby!
    We are just getting past the first stage and working hard together as a team to make progress. If we all participate and give it our all, we WILL have success. We deserve it!

  12. I think that we as a team are past the coming together part and that right now we need to work on the keeping together part. Adding on to what Coach Robinson said during practice, if we want to get past the 'storming' part of the cycle, we need to get past our differences and come closer together;even to those who we think we couldn't be any closer to.Remember CHAIN!

  13. I like this quote.I think we are together now, and hopefully we can stay together without too much conflict but it happens.Lets just try and do our best!

  14. Kalina's comment...

    lovin the quote shelbs...i think it really works for our theme of the week...chels, i also liked
    the cylce idea that you gave too...i think that it is true that even if we lost a game, we still succeeded in the fact that we worked hard and stayed together as a team....remember CHAIN ladies.....we linked together at the beginning of the season and we need to stay linked together in order to be successful and can't break the chain or we fall apart...keep up the great work ladies...kalina

  15. Morgan's comment...

    I think that was a great quote to think about and to start the season out with. Nice job, Shelby.

  16. Kassi's comment....

    "in order to be successful we need to be able to stick together through the rough times and in order to do that...we need to work hard. We can do it ladies! keep up the good work! Great quote Shelb!"
