Thursday, May 21, 2009

THE LAST Coach's Corner...

...after a season-ending 2-0 loss to Zeeland East. Girls, you have NOTHING to hang your heads about after the loss and the conclusion of the season. Please always keep in mind that this was the most SUCCESSFUL JV girls soccer season at Hamilton EVER. And you all are directly responsible for it. I'm not even talking simply wins and losses here (overall 7-9-2 record); i'm talking about the overall character you girls displayed all season. It was a thing of beauty to a coach, and you should all be proud of your efforts.

Now, the season is over, and it's TIME TO START IMPROVING FOR NEXT SEASON! I hope you take to heart the comments you received on your evaluations. They were all made in an attempt to make you all better players and athletes in general.

Good luck! Let me know if you need anything AT ALL! I'm always here for you girls.

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