Thursday, May 14, 2009

Liz VandeWege's SACRIFICE quotation...

Its all about heart. If you're not willing to do it, and you're willing to sacrifice your body and put your body out there and do whatever the team needs, thats what it is.
~Corey Jackson

Girls, please respond to these words with your own interpretation by Monday at 730 A.M.


  1. Awesome quote, Liz! If we want to win we need to be ready to go out and play in any weather, against any opponent, on any day and give it our all and sacrafice (but this does not mean not being smart. We need to know when we should sacrafice and when SAFETY, meaning an injury, not discomfort such as a bruise, is on the line). We also need to make sure we're being a team which I think we're doing a great job of already! Sacrafice can also mean sacraficing a personal glory such as a goal to someone else who might have a better angle or a better shot (but know when to be greedy). It's been a great season ladies, lets keep it up!! We can apply this quote to all aspects of soccer and life too! Again, love the quote, Liz!

  2. Thats soo true! Games depend on sacrifices and if we dont sacrifice we wont win. Nice job with it! keep up the good work girls.

  3. Jess says:
    Good quote Liz! And I totally agree with what Billy said, too. We need to apply that to all of our games. Oh! And great job today girls, in our win!

  4. This is a good quote. We need to be selfless as a team and work together towards a common goal. Pain only hurts for a little while, but memories and the satisfaction that comes with a good play or game last a lifetime...

  5. sacrifice goes right along w/ our "be fearless" goal. if we're not fearless and aren't willing to sacrifice ourselves for the team...we're not going to be successfull!! be aggressive, go out there and don't worry about getting hurt! that will surely help us be successfull!!

  6. Rae's comment...

    great quote Wedgie!!! That is so true we have to put our whole heart into each game and practice and we cant be afraid of gettin hurt. Go 100% in tackles and dont let up!

  7. Morgan's comment...

    Don't let someone else take your fifty-fifty ball or get in the path of
    the ball near the goal, you should get fifty-fifty balls and you should
    put your body in the path of the ball no matter where it is.

  8. Nice quote.It comes down to 50/50 balls and beating the other girl to the ball and stuff like that, putting youself out there.

  9. Ladies, this is what we practiced on Thursday with the corner kicks! If we are not willing to sacrifice our bodies, we will pay the price, it could be as trivial as 15 push-ups or as punishing as losing to a team we should have creamed. We have experienced both of those events this season. The push-ups, not so bad, the losing, VERY bad! So, we need to be mentally tough and not be afraid to SACRIFICE our bodies. Let's give HC a run for their money!

  10. Good Quote Wedgie.
    We deffinantly need to be fully in it to win it!

  11. this goes great with everything we have been talking about lately. i think that we need to apply these things when we need to. its most important to remember this in hard situations, but that is also when we need to work on it the most. just like chels said, mentally tough is the key!

  12. Kalina's comment...

    nice quote..i agree that if we go for a ball 100% that we'll get it first...i think that in the games that if we dont sacrifice our bodies that we wont win the game and we'll be handing the game over to the other team.

  13. Brittany's comment...

    We must be willing to sacrafice in order to sacrafice! Good quote Liz!

  14. Hayley's comment...

    Good quote, Liz! I agree with Monica, pain only hurts for a short matter of time, but accomplishments last a lifetime. It's about how much effort we put forth in practice and games. We're not only doing it for ourselves, but for the team too.
